EN标准的几个重要日期(DOR, DOA, DOP, DOW)的含义

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标准的几个重要日期( DOR , DOA , DOP , DOW )的含义:

DOR ( date of  ratification )
DOR is the date when the Technical Board confirms that the results of written vote are positive and that the EN / HD is adopted 
说明在此日期前 CENELEC 相应的技术委员会核准完成并正式推出;

DOA ( date of  announcement )
DOA is fixed by the Technical Board , normaly six moths later than dor。
Normally the annoUncement of the existence of the new CENELECEN / ENV / HD is made by each CENELEC member in the officalnational standarS jOUrnal Or in Similar publication at national level。
在此日期前 CENELEC 会员国(包括所有欧盟成员国)必须在国家层面通告上述标准已经制定完成

DOP( date of publication )
DOP is the date limit for indentical / harmonized national standards corresponding to the new EN / HD to be available。
在此旦期前 CENELEC 会员国(包括所有欧盟成员国)必须出版与其同等的国家标准(加上国家差异)或直接将其采用为国家标准;

DOW( date of withdrawel )
DOW is the latest date for al CENELEC members to withdraw or amend any nationa standards containing requirements conflicting with those of the new HD or EN , even if the publication of anew national standard on the basis of an HD is not intended.